Recommended Supplements for Vegans (And Pretty Much Everyone...)

I'm often asked, What supplements should I be taking now that I'm on the vegan diet? It's a bit of a tricky question because everyone is different. Vegan diet or not, we all have different diets and lifestyles that can cause deficiencies. (I had an iron deficiency way before I ever went vegan. Endurance training can do that.) 

With that in mind, it's often good to get your blood tested at some point to see where any deficiencies lie. (Here's a look at the blood test I've used and a detailed look at my blood work.) Regardless of your diet, getting a blood test every once in a while is important just to check in on things.

Also, taking a pill is not always the best way to beat the deficiency. I tend to err on the side of real food as opposed to a supplement, but in some cases I do actually take a pill, spray or powder.

Here's a review of the supplements I do take. Even if you're not vegan or are not doing 15-25 hours of swim/bike/run a week, I still think this is a good list to review. Drop me a line in the comments below if you have any questions. Hope this helps!


Here's the iron supplement that I use: MegaFood Blood Builder Energy Boosting Iron Supplement Tablets

  • In the past, I used the Floradix liquid, but after some research learned that the liquid absorbs no better than the tablets. The tablets are way easier to dose and travel with.
  • I try to take this 1 hour after I have my coffee in the morning. Not before and not within that one hour, given the effect of caffeine on iron's absorption. (More on that here.)
  • I take it either with a clementine or orange -OR- if traveling or I don't have an orange handy, I take it with a packet of this Vitamin C supplement. (Vitamin C helps with the absorption of nonheme iron.)


Here's the B-12 supplement I take: Dr. Mercola Vitamin B12 Energy Booster Spray

  • I do 5 sprays in the AM every morning after brushing my teeth.


Here's the Vitamin D supplement I take:  Dr. Mercola Sunshine Mist Vitamin D Spray

  • I do 3 sprays in the morning after brushing my teeth and 3 sprays at night after brushing my teeth.
  • I'm convinced most people, especially those with darker skin, are deficient of Vitamin D. No matter how much time I spend in the sun, I'm typically low of the Vitamin D scale. 


Here's what I take: Thorne Research - L-Lysine 

  • Lysine is important for keeping shingles dormant. (Also helps in the growth and maintenance of bones, connective tissue and skin.) I got shingles while preparing for Ironman Cozumel in 2015. I was doing huge training volume while also dealing with the stress of a move out of NYC. Not an ideal combo.
  • While I eat lots of foods high in lysine, my lysine v. arginine balance is a bit off since I eat even more food high in arginine. You want these two to be balanced if you're at risk for shingles, so I take the Lysine supplement to pay it safe. 


Here's what I plan to take: Nordic Naturals Algae Omega

  • DHA/EPA is important for eye health and brain function. It's in fish, but also in flaxseed and walnuts. (Nice to get it from a non-fish source, since fish oils can be very high in toxins given that our oceans are
  • I eat a bunch of flax and walnuts, so haven't previously seen the need to supplement with a DHA/EPA supplement. After doing some research over the past couple of months and seeing what Dr. Michael Greger has to say, I plan to start supplementing.
    • Seems that while our bodies are able to convert walnuts and flaxseed into usable DHA/EPA, we might not be able to consume and convert it at the levels necessary for optimal health.  


I'll preface this by saying that I very rarely supplement with protein powders. I'm a strong believer that if you're eating a balanced diet, you're getting plenty of protein. So, with that in mind, I only take a scoop of this powder after a HUGE training day where I'm also tight on time and can't easily refuel with real food. (More on what I eat post-workout here...)

Here's what I take in the rare cases of supplementing with protein: Garden of Life Organic Vegan Protein Powder

  • I like that it's organic, has a blend of different sources for the protein, and has no stevia or other sweeteners.
  • I either blend this with a frozen banana and cacao powder for a chocolate drink or I blend it with pineapple, banana and spinach for a green smoothie.

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What To Eat & Drink Before A Triathlon: Here's A Look at My Routine

What to eat before a triathlon

I'm often asked the question, so here's a look at what I eat & drink before a race. Whether it's a Ironman, 70.3 (half Ironman) or Olympic, my routine is always the same.

While I've had success with this, that doesn't necessarily mean it's best for everyone. I'd strongly recommend that you try this before a big session as opposed to trying it for the first time on race day. Hopefully it works out and you can make this your race morning go-to routine.

To make this easy, let's say the race start is 7AM. As you'll see, the timing of when you eat & drink this stuff is really important.

4:00 AM - WAKE-UP


I'm never hungry on race morning. Combo of nervous energy and having to eat so close to when I wake up. So, this ends up being a bit of a force-feeding exercise.

  • Organic Apple Sauce, 23oz Jar (no sugar added; no HFCS)
  • Banana, full regular size

I like to eat 3 hours prior to race start. I've found that this allows me to get the calories necessary while also having a "clean system" by race start. As anyone who's raced a half or full Ironman knows, that's key.

This combo provides great mix of relatively low-glycemic carbs that are still easy on the stomach. There's also a good bit of potassium in both apples and bananas. Potassium helps balance the fluids and electrolyte levels in your body, which in turn helps to regulate your heartbeat and prevent muscles from cramping. (More on that here.)

4:10 AM - PRE-RACE POTION (Vega Energizer + Nuun + Maca Powder)

I drink version of this every morning when training as a way to wake up and get hydrated. I slowly drink it over the course of 20-30 minutes since 32oz is a lot of fluid.

In addition to the energy, this concoction also helps with the "clean system". I'll leave it at that.

I go with:

I like the Vega Energizer because it's an awesome mix of herbs and roots that up energy levels. These being yerba mate, green tea, rhodiola, ginseng, devil's claw and others. 

I like maca powder because of it's been shown to increase energy and stamina among other things. (Studies are still limited but this one shows promise on benefits on endurance athletes. Bigger sample size & longer time-frame would be nice.) It's also high in iron.

I add the Nuun Active in there to make sure I'm covered on the electrolyte front.

4:30 AM - COFFEE

In the land of endurance sports, caffeine is king.

I'm a big coffee drinker and make no exceptions on race morning. Because I'm particular about it, I bring a travel French Press (highly recommend this one) along with my own ground beans. Yes, I'm that guy.

Coffee and caffeine is one hell of a tool in getting the most out of yourself on race day (and in training). Many studies have shown this. In this one looking at the impact of caffeine on endurance athletes, caffeine took an average of 3% off of athletes’ finish times. In some cases, the effect was as large as 17%.


I occasionally supplement with plant-based iron, especially on race day. (Plant-based iron, AKA non-heme, is best even for the non-vegans out there since our bodies are able to properly regulate iron levels when the iron is from plants. When it's from meat/animal blood, our bodies can't regulate it and we're at risk of too much iron. More on that here.) Anyway, iron is crucial in the transport of oxygen to the body's cells and tissues -- super important when blitzing a race -- so you want to make sure you're at the right levels. 

Caffeine interferes with the body's absorption of iron, so I try to give a slight buffer between my coffee + Vega drinking and taking the iron. (Plenty of research and articles on this, but here's a study that shows why it's better to first have coffee/tea, then have the iron 1 hour later.)


While I say snake oils, I say that jokingly since there is research backing the benefits of these roots, mushrooms and minerals. That said, I recognize that all are pretty weird and come across as elixirs in a traveling medicine show. 

Given the research, I'll take these before a race and prior to a really hard training session but that's about it. Each is a bit too expensive for regular use. It's also hard for me to definitively say that I notice a boost from them. (Though I am definitely less sore after a hard workout and after a race when taking Extreme Endurance.)


I want to stay relatively topped off with calories/carbs without putting anything too heavy in my stomach. I typically go with a Taos Mountain Energy Almond Agave bar. (Full disclosure, I'm sponsored by TME. But their bars are killer nonetheless!) I find these to be really easy on my stomach.

7:00 AM - SHOWTIME!!

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Going Vegan - Getting My Buddy Ken on the Vegan Diet

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Last Updated: April 25, 2017

After some discussions about fitness and health, my good friend and training partner Ken decided to go on the vegan diet, provided that I lend some help to the cause. We thought it'd be a fun project to film as a way to showcase the potential benefits, struggles, and all else involved in making the transition to an entirely plant-based diet.

He kicked things off on Feb. 1st, and is committed to going at least 10 weeks without meat, dairy, eggs, or any other. Here are the first few videos. My goal will to put 1-2 videos up every Tuesday from here on out.

I'll post here with notes, tips, etc. but you can also just watch the videos here:

Feel free to leave comments and questions - for me, but also Ken - below.

Video 1 - An intro to what we're up to. --- Ken, a top age group triathlete with a busy life, has decide to try the vegan diet for at least 10 weeks. He started Feb 1, 2017 and is continuing through.

Video 2 - We sit down with Ken to discuss what he's got going on and why he's interested in trying the vegan diet.

Video 3 - We do a quick walk-through of Ken's kitchen to see what he has and what he needs before kicking off the vegan diet on February 1.

Video 4 - Ken and I make a trip over to the supermarket to stock up on the food he'll need for the first week of being vegan.

Here's the GROCERY LIST that we used while at the store.

Video 5 - Prepping food for the week.

Here's a rundown on what we're cooking up along with recipes: WHAT I EAT & HOW TO MAKE IT - SUPER DANK & EASY VEGAN RECIPES

Video 6 - Ken & Shelby talk through strategy and potential challenges Ken will face with the vegan diet on the eve of kicking things off Feb. 1.

Video 7 - Phone call with Ken discussing how week one of the vegan diet went.

Video 8 - Now well into week 2 of the vegan diet, we head back to the grocery store to restock essentials and pick up some new items.

Video 9 - Prepping some vegan tacos (squash & zucchini) and talking through how the first two weeks on the diet have gone.

About the Brazil nuts... I told Ken to eat three before bed and three in the morning every day, which he's been doing. Here's why: Not only do Brazil nuts help curb appetite, they also are high in selenium which helps boost testosterone levels (particularly when consumed before bed & in the early AM). Best to have them raw, organic and with skin -- here's my go-to brand: Now Foods Organic Brazil Nuts. I keep them in the freezer since that helps maintain the selenium. Shout out to Tim Ferriss for first turning me on to Brazil nuts in Four Hour Body.   


It was pretty cool to see how many guys on the team are either vegetarian or close to vegan. At least four guys are vegetarian (out of 70) and one - Kevin Denny, who's in video 12 - is dairy-free (and gluten-free). Anyway, managing the vegan diet at camp was pretty easy. I've gotten used to navigating in pretty much all scenarios, and Ken is getting pretty good at it as well. We were 15 minutes from a Whole Foods which made life a lot easier too.

If you want to read more about the EMJ Vegas Camp and see pictures, etc., click here.

Shoutout to Talbot Cox for his killer videos of the camp, clips of which are included. Check out Talbot's Vlog for the full videos here.

Video 11 - Ken and I are at a triathlon camp put on by our team, Team Every Man Jack. We hit Whole Foods to load up on vegan essentials and some burritos so that we're covered on food during the camp.

Video 12 - Hanging out and getting updates from Ken on the diet while at the Team EMJ triathlon camp. Still eating burritos... a daily occurrence while training in Vegas.


Video 13 - Ken's nearly a month into the diet. We catch up over the phone while he's still in Vegas and I'm in Tucson.


When we first started filming about 6-7 weeks ago, Ken mentioned that he's been training for the LA Marathon. We're now just a few days out from the race, which takes place Sunday, March 19. Wish Ken luck!!

Video 14 - Ken is now seven weeks into the vegan diet. Here he gives an update on how things are progressing both with the diet and his training for the 2017 LA Marathon.

Video 15 - Ken shares a quick update on how the LA Marathon went.


Video 16 - Ken is now 10 weeks into the vegan diet. We decide to cook up some recipes from Rich Roll & Julie Piatt's cookbook, The Plantpower Way.

Again, The Plantpower Way has some killer recipes, particularly for bowls, sauces and vegan cheeses. While some of the sauces/cheeses will take a little bit of effort to prepare, they go well with a lot of different dishes and are awesome to have on hand when looking to pull together a quick grain bowl.

Video 17 - Ken is now 10 weeks into the vegan diet. We decide to cook up recipe from Thug Kitchen.

I had heard a lot about Thug Kitchen but had yet to dive into the cookbook until a few days prior to us filming this. I'm now pretty obsessed with it. It's funny, has some great info on all things vegan, and is filled with bomb recipes. Highly recommend picking this one up.

Fueling for the Vegan Athlete – Tips for Pre/During/Post Workout Nutrition

As a vegan triathlete, I’m often asked how I fuel my training.

What’s my carb to protein ratio pre-workout? Do I ever train on an empty stomach? How do I get enough protein after a hard session? And the list goes on…

My workout fueling is something I’ve played around with for a several years now. And it’s changed a lot.


I used to rely heavily on processed sports nutrition along with easy-to-digest simple carbs. I’d eat a bowl of cereal (I’m a recovering cereal addict), drill Gatorade during the workout, and take down a protein drink afterwards. While I more-or-less trained well, I knew this wasn’t sustainable.

Too much processed sugar is bad, even if you’re training like a maniac. I figured it had to be impacting my recovery too since the breakdown of processed sugar causes inflammation. I also noticed that I’d come to rely on the simple sugars way too heavily. While I could run a half marathon faster than ever, I could barely run a few miles at an easy pace without needing Gatorade or a gel.


I wanted to sufficiently fuel my workouts, but not rely too heavily on processed foods. It’s a delicate balance – eating food that’s unprocessed but not going to tie your guts in knots during the workout. So, I played around with it. Here’s where I’ve landed…

NOTE: What I drink prior to my workouts is always the same. I see this routine as even more important that what I eat! More on that here. 

No Counting, Measuring or Weighing

It's worth noting that I don’t measure out the food, count calories, know carb to protein ratios of a meal or any of that. I honestly see that level of detail as a distraction and overly complicated.

I know, in very general terms, that legumes (black beans, chickpeas, lentils) have a solid amount of protein (+ carbs), that nuts/seeds are also high in protein and good fats, that sweet potatoes and quinoa are low-glycemic complex carbs, etc. etc.

I assemble meals with this general knowledge in mind, but also listen to my body. Sometimes I'll finish eating a meal after a hard workout and I'll still be hungry. When that happens I pay attention to what I'm specifically hungry for — do I have a craving for bread? nuts? something salty? something else? The body is pretty good at telling you what it needs, so I use this as a gauge for making sure I'm refueling properly. If I crave nuts, I figure that I likely need some additional protein or fat. If I crave bread, I probably need some more carbs (though I'll still steer clear of bread, sadly... More on why I try to avoid bread here; scroll down).  


What I eat prior to a session depends the nature of the workout and how much time I have before I need to get started.

Sub-2 Hour & Low Intensity Workout

Go-to meal: Small bowl of quinoa, fruit (typically berries), almond butter, coconut butter, and my Super Sprinkles (If asking, "what the eff are Super Sprinkles?" see here.)

  • Solid mix of low glycemic carbs/sugars – think steady drip of energy – plus some protein and healthy fats.
  • Lots of important antioxidants from the berries and micronutrients like iron, magnesium, etc. from the Super Sprinks.

If it’s really early in the AM, I might not be hungry and I’ll eat nothing prior to this type of workout.

  • If eating nothing, I’ll make sure to have a drink and/or some food on hand in case I get hungry mid-session.
  • During big volume weeks in an Ironman build, I never train without eating prior, even if it’s just a casual 45-minute jog. I also never wake up feeling full during a big training block...

If pressed for time, I’ll simply have a banana with almond butter.

2+ Hour Workout

Go-to meal: Big (sometimes f’ing huge) bowl of quinoa with lots of the things noted above. In addition to the berries, I’ll add chopped banana and apple to the mix.

  • Sometimes, especially if it’s a 5+ hour training session, I swap out the quinoa for soaked oats.
    • I find it easier to eat more of the soaked oats and have it still sit well in my stomach in comparison to the quinoa. Soaked oats pack more of a caloric punch per cup too.
  • Again, this mix provides an awesome blend of low-glycemic sugars / complex carbs, healthy fats, protein and fiber. It leaves me full and energized for the long haul.

I make sure to be awake at least an hour prior to these bigger training sessions. This gives me time to properly nail my AM routine and eat a good bit before rolling out the door.

High Intensity Workout

Intense workouts, for me at least, are usually in the 1- to 2-hour range and start jacking up the heart rate after a 15-minute warm-up. That means I need to eat food that digests quickly and sits well in the gut.

Go-to meal: Sweet potato + avocado. Complex carbs + good fats. Easy to digest. Tastes good.  I usually just do the s.p. baked or cubed and pan roasted – with avocado + salt and pepper does the trick.

  • Usually I love Sriracha or something of the sort on this type of dish, but sometimes that starts to come back up if I’m really pinning it in a hard session.

Go-to meal, pt. deux: Soaked oats, banana, a little bit of almond butter. Easy all around. Everything you need. Nothing you don’t.

  • Toast with a bit of almond butter and banana works here too. I usually don’t have bread around (since I’d rely too heavily on it), but this is a great combo when you’re tight on time.


I try to stay away from sports nutrition unless I’m in a really big training block and getting ready for a key race. When that’s the case, I’m typically doing long, hard sessions in the heat and stringing together 20- to 25-hour training weeks. For these 3-5 weeks, each year I’ll use a good bit of sports nutrition. I use it not only because it makes it easy to stay hydrated and get lots of calories on board, but also because I’m trying to train my gut to tolerate this stuff so that I can handle it on race day. Even still, I’ll take it down with some moderation.

For the vast majority of the year, here's what my mid-workout fueling looks like...

Sub-2 Hour & Low Intensity Workout

Drink: Water + Nuun Active.

  • I really like mild taste of Nuun Active and feel that it helps replace much of what I’m sweating out without significant added sugar (just 1g) or calories (just 10 cals) that would be unnecessary for a training session like this.

Eat: Nothing. Or, if I really feel like I need some calories during the session, I’ll eat some dried fruit.

  • Dried banana and pineapple are go-tos for me. I'll do Barnana (I like Original & Coconut) and Mavuno Harvest (Pineapple, 1-lb bag).
    • If buying other dried fruit products, just make sure it doesn't have added sugar! The above do not and are both organic.

2+ Hour Workout

Drink: Water + Nuun Active + Honey. If I know I’m going to be sweating a good bit, I’ll sometimes add a Salt Stick pill to the mix.

  • Correct, honey is not technically vegan. That said, I eat it. Many who avoid honey will use maple syrup.
  • OK, but does the sodium make a difference? There's been conflicting research on whether or not taking in sodium while training provides any benefit, especially as it relates to muscle cramps. That said, in my own experience, fluid seems to absorb better - it doesn't slosh around - in my stomach when I add sodium. So, I add sodium. (Here's what I use: SaltStick Caps.)

Eat: Some mix of dried fruit + a Taos Mountain Energy bar (sponsor). If 4+ hours, I'll often hit a small market/ grocery store for a pit stop. If it's a loooonnngg ride no good markets along the way, I'll bring a sandwich. 

  • Again, dried banana and pineapple are awesome.
  • Taos Mountain Energy bars. All flavors. (Not all are vegan as some have honey. Almond Agave & Chocolate Butterscotch are vegan.)
    • TME is a sponsor of mine, so full disclosure on that. Call me biased, but I really think they make a great bar - it's real food (mostly organic) smashed together, so largely unprocessed, and the bars taste awesome. The founders are awesome and have been really supportive to me, so give the bars a try!
  • If there is a rest stop, I like grabbing fruit, pretzels, almond butter and the like. Definitely a coffee too.
  • About that sandwich... Almond butter + banana. Maybe toss some granola in there if feeling crazy.
    • I save this routine for solo rides where there is no solid rest stop. If you pull a sammy out of your kit mid-group ride, you'll never hear the end of it.
    • I used to rotate between almond butter + banana sandwiches & hummus + avocado. I did a ride in Boulder a couple summers ago on an apocalyptic-ly hot day with an avo + hummus sandwich in my back jersey pocket. Eating that thing was one of the grosser moments in recent memory. I'm near barfing just thinking about it. Stick with almond butter + banana.

High Intensity Workout

Drink: Water + Nuun Active + Honey (+ Salt Stick if I'll be sweating a good bit).

Eat: Dried fruit and/or Almond Agave Taos Mountain Energy bar.

  • Again, dried banana and pineapple are awesome.
  • The Almond Agave bar from Taos Mountain Energy.
    • I like the AA bar for high-intensity workouts. It's a bit more processed than their other bars, but that makes it easier on my stomach. I can eat it and blitz a hard workout and not feel like I've got something heavy in my gut.


For those 3-5 weeks part of the year when I'm getting ready for a key Ironman race...

Since this nutrition mirrors what I take on during a race, I do actually keep track of the calories/carbs/sodium/etc. that I consume. Helps me know exactly what I need to do on race day. 

Drink: Water + GU Roctane Drink Mix (sponsor).

  • GU is a sponsor of the EMJ team. Again, you can call me biased, but I really like their products for the specific purpose of fueling very hard training days and races. They've got the right blend of calories, carbs (as maltodextrin & fructose), sodium, aminos and even caffeine per serving. I find their stuff to taste great (isn't overpowering) and it sits well in my stomach even when I'm really hammering it.
    • The GU Roctane Summit Tea is awesome. Also tastes good when it's hot; often how I end up drinking it on long, long rides in the summer heat.
  • If it's hot, I'll put a little more than a half of a serving in a full 24-oz water bottle. If it's mild temps, I'll put the full serving in a single bottle.
    • I try to take on 300 calories + 60 carb + 35mg caffeine per hour through drink. 
    • When hot, almost always is, I want 48oz of fluid an hour. That means I split the above into two water bottles.

Eat: Almond Agave TME bar.

  • Again, it's easy on the stomach.

Race Nutrition

Race nutrition is very similar to the nutrition outlined above in the 3-5 weeks in build-up to the race.

Drink: Water + GU Roctane Drink Mix (sponsor) + Salt Stick (in hot Ironman races)

  • Again, if it's hot, I'll put a little more than a half of a serving in a full 24-oz water bottle. If it's mild temps, I'll put the full serving in a single bottle.
    • I try to take on 300 calories + 60 carb + 35mg caffeine per hour through drink. 
    • When hot, almost always is, I want 48oz of fluid an hour. That means I split the above into two water bottles.
    • In a hot Ironman, I take a salt pill every hour (I like Salt Stick), for the last 3 hours of the bike ride. This is because I'm drinking the on-course fluid, which is typically Gatorade or Gatorade Endurance.

Eat: Clif Bars (on bike) + GU Roctane Energy Gel (on run).

  • Clif bars have more calories & carbs per bar compared to TME's Almond Agave, so I eat them while on the bike in races.
    • I eat the Chocolate Chip Clif Bar. My stomach can handle these on the bike. I'll try to eat half a bar every hour. I'll try to stick to this, but I won't force feed myself.
  • GU Roctane Energy Gel is about all that I can handle during the run portion of a triathlon. (I also drink a bit of whatever energy drink is on the course.) I try to take one every 30-45 minutes.


Sub 3-Hour Workout

Eat: Quinoa + Black Beans (or Lentils) + Avocado + Micro Greens.

  • Typical amounts come out to about 1 cup quinoa, 3/4 cup black beans, 1/2 avocado, handful of micro greens. I'll adjust based on the specific duration of the workout and how hungry I am.

Drink: Lots of agua.

  • Probably 32 oz of filtered water over the course of an hour.

3-5 Hour Workout

Eat: The above Quinoa + Black Beans (or Lentils) + Avo + Micro Greens. Plus, Green Smoothie.

  • Heavy hand on the quinoa + BB or lentils + avo + greens portions.
  • Green smoothie typically looks like...
    • big handful of frozen curly kale
    • 1 frozen banana
    • 5-6 chunks frozen pineapple
    • 2 tablespoons hemp seeds (raw, shelled - I like these)
    • water for consistency

I used to be into chlorella, but I've been reading more and more about potential contaminants in it. It's also expensive. I take chlorella tablets when traveling, but when I'm at home I now just stick to kale for all the benefits of dark leafy greens. (In Cali, you'll see a little sticker on chlorella bottles that says, "This product contains a chemical known in the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm." Seems that's basically a element of Pro 65 gone wrong. It contains trace amounts of lead, given that soil has trace amounts of lead. The company Sunfood provides a good rundown on the misleading labeling. 

Drink: Lots of agua.

  • Again, probably 32 oz of filtered water over the course of an hour.

5+ Hour Workout

Eat: All the above (quinoa/BB or lentils/avo/greens bowl & green smoothie) + the below snacks if still hungry following...

  • Apple + Almond Butter + Super Sprinks
  • Carrots + Hummus
  • Almonds + Peanuts

Drink: Focusing on drinking a good bit over a 2-hour span. Probably comes out to 56oz over those two hours.

What About Protein Supplements?

Again, I'm not big on protein supplements. While I used to add a scoop of plant-based protein powder to my smoothies, I've found that it's not necessary so long as you're able to eat appropriately following your workout. Remember, plants have lots of protein too and you don't need nearly as much protein as you've probably been led to believe.**

  • 1 cup of canned black beans = 14g of protein
  • 1 cup of cooked lentils = 18g of protein
  • 1 cup of cooked quinoa = 10g of protein
  • 3 tbsp of hemp seeds = 10g of protein

If making a smoothie, just add the hemp seeds! (Again, I dig these.) 10g of added protein helps you cover your bases.

If you flat-out have nothing in your 'frig and cabinets / aren't able to eat real food like those above, then try Sun Warrior's organic protein. The "natural" flavor mixes into a green smoothie well. 


** While I operate under the 'what works best for me' mindset, research states that the "almost global consensus is that adults need no more than 0.8-0.9g protein/kg to satisfy their protein needs." And that's a high estimate; likely that .66g is sufficient, but everyone is different and the recommendations look to capture most of the bell curve. There's no real evidence showing that athletes need any more than that prescribed range. (More here on


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At the start of every week — typically on Sunday, when I've got the time — I cook and prep a few staples that set me up for a week of easy meal prep. Specifically, I ...

  • make a huge pot of quinoa
    • 2 to 1 ratio of water to quinoa, cook on stove for 14-18 minutes
  • bake a few sweet potatoes
    • stab with knife (so they don't explode), wrap in foil
    • cook in oven @ 400° for 45-65 mins, depends on size
    • should be slightly soft, fairly easy to poke through with a knife
  • rinse and jar a few cans of black beans & chickpeas
    • pour from can into colander and rinse, then put into a mason jar and or similar container for refrigerator storage
  • de-stem & ribbon some dinosaur kale
    • aka remove the stem and cut the kale width-wise into ribbons
  • de-stem and freeze some curly kale and/or freeze spinach
    • this is for smoothies; go with spinach if you don't have a Vitamix or Ninja blender
  • freeze some overly ripe bananas
    • again, for smoothies

From there, it's typically just a mix and match of this stuff stored in the 'frig plus what I've got on hand. Sometimes dinner will be a bit more involved, but if Marla and I are too tired or are pressed for time, we'll whip up something from this mix of already prepped foods.  


I'm all about the breakfast bowl. I'll typically have some variation of one of the three bowls below every morning.

Quinoa + Fruit + Almond Butter + Nuts/Seeds

HOW TO DO IT: I put some cooked quinoa in a bowl and just toss in some fruit — typically berries; strawberries, raspberries & blueberries — along with almond butter and what I like to call “Super Sprinkles”.

Super Sprinkles are my mix of nuts and seeds along with coconut flakes. (After weeks of individually pouring coconut flakes, chia seeds, hemp seeds, ground flaxseed, chopped walnuts, and cacao nibs into my quinoa, I finally just mixed them all together in a massive mason jar. Marla started calling the mix, my “super sprinkles”… I’m obsessed with this mix, and now even travel with it like a total weirdo.)

NORMAL DAY: Usually, I’ll have just a small amount of quinoa and focus more on the fruit, almond butter, and Super Sprinkles. If I’m not that hungry, I might just have the almond butter and the Super Sprinkles or just the fruit and the Sprinks.

HUNGRY/PRE.POST BIG WORKOUT: When I’m particularly hungry or have a big workout lined up, I’ll take down a fairly large bowl of this and will even add some coconut butter.

If you find the mix to be too dry or not sweet enough, try adding a touch of coconut yogurt or some honey.

My Super Sprinkles in all their glory...

Sweet Potato + Avocado + Sprouts + Sriracha

HOW TO DO IT: This is basically a hash that we're making here.

  1. Take a baked sweet potato from the ‘frig
  2. Cut it into cubes
  3. Cook on the stove at medium heat for a minute or two in a bit of coconut oil

When using oil of any type, don't go overboard. For this, and other dishes where something is being sauted in a pan, I'll use a drop of coconut oil the size of a dime; just enough to slightly coat the pan.

Note that coconut oil is better than olive oil for sauteing since it handles high heat better. Olive oil starts oxidize and release free radicals (which counteract antioxidants and cause inflammation) at high temps, so best to use cold or under low heat.

If I don’t have a baked sweet potato already...

  1. Cube a raw sweet potato (1/2-1 inch cubes)
  2. Cook in a pan on the stove at low/medium heat with coconut oil
  3. Cover the pan with a lid to help speed things up
  4. Move the sweet potato cubes around every 5-10 minutes
  5. Should be ready in 15-20 minutes, remove lid for last 5 minutes

If I have the time and am feeling super adventurous... I’ll shred the sweet potato with a metal cheese grader. Just the shredding takes about 10 minutes, so it’s a bit of a pain. Great to do if cooking for others since it’s delicious and looks pretty. Once shredded, I’ll again cook on the stove (uncovered) with a bit of coconut oil. Typically takes about 10-15 minutes on medium heat. This is what's pictured above.

WHAT TO ADD: Once the spuds are done, just slice up or cube some avo, add sprouts, and season with sriracha + salt & pepper.

NORMAL DAY: Usually I'll eat about a half of a large sweet potato and a half of an avocado.

HUNGRY/PRE.POST BIG WORKOUT: I'll do half or even a full sweet potato plus half an avocado. I'll add quinoa too if really hungry.


Green Smoothie Bowl: Curly Kale + Pineapple + Banana + Strawberry + Spirulina

Let me first say that these green bowls are pretty life-changing. I introduced my dad and brother-in-law to them a couple years ago and they now both start nearly every day with one. The energy that comes from downing these first thing in the AM is akin to a stiff cup of coffee. You can literally feel the energy buzzing through your system after eating.

You can have as a bowl or simply a drink. (Both my dad and bro-in-law are drink guys.) I kind of like having as a bowl since it's a bit more satisfying. That said, it's hard to beat the convenience of just drinking down a full day's worth of greens in one glass.

HOW TO DO IT: All you need to do here is add de-stemmed* curly kale + frozen fruit (4-8 pineapple chunks, 1/2-1 banana, 3-4 strawberries) + a little bit of water (half cup or so) + a spoon full of spirulina. If you've got a Vitamix or Ninja blender, the curly kale is great. If you're working with a standard blender, use spinach instead of curly kale. It's a lot easier for the blender to handle.

*If going with curly kale, make sure you tear the leaves of the kale off from the stem, aka de-stem. The stems are bitter and make for a pretty rough tasting smoothie. Best to go without them in the mix. 

  1. Add 2 handfuls of de-stemmed kale to blender + 1/2 cup of water and blend using the plastic plunger as necessary
  2. Stop and add sprulina, then blend again
  3. Stop and add the frozen fruit, then blend again using plunger as necessary
  4. Admire the greenness of this magical concoction

I get a better consistency like this. I'll add ice at the end sometimes too if I want the mix to be a bit more frozen/ easier to eat with a spoon.

NORMAL DAY: I'll keep the ratio of fruit to kale somewhat light. The goal is to have just enough fruit in the mix to balance the taste of the kale. Over time, you'll likely be able to enjoy the mix with less and less fruit.

HUNGRY/PRE.POST- BIG WORKOUT: I'll toss some raw oats on top along with some fruit and honey.


When I'm not eating leftovers from the night before, I'm eating some sort of grain bowl/salad concoction. Here's my formula for creating...

Grain Bowl = Grain + Greens + Legumes + Veggies + Dressing

  • Grains - Quinoa, Brown Rice
  • Greens - Kale, Arugula
  • Legumes - Black Beans, Chickpeas, Black Lentils
  • Veggies - Avocado, Tomatoes, Sprouts, Sweet Potato, Olives, Peas
  • Dressing - Extra Virgin Olive Oil/Apple Cider Vinegar, Sundried Tomato Puree, Tahini Turmeric Salad Dressing
    • EVOO/AVC is awesome for softening up both kale and arugula. We'll mix a tablespoon of each and dress the greens with it to taste. It's also great with a slight splash of lemon juice and/or a touch of honey.
    • The Sundried Tomato Puree is something I use primarily with the black lentils. I just mix it into the lentils. I put these in the Vitamix (food processor works too)...
      • 12-15 Sundried tomatoes
      • 1 Tablespoon EVOO
      • 1 Tablespoon Tamari
      • 1 Tablespoon Ginger, diced
      • Add Sriracha to taste
    • Tahini Turmeric is a dressing that I buy from Erewhon. I'm working on the recipe... soon to come.
  • Other - Hummus, Pico de Gallo, Guacamole, Green Belly Hot Sauce, Sriracha
    • Green Belly is freaking awesome. It's a blend of cilantro, ACV, olive oil and habanero peppers. Marla discovered it at the Boulder Farmer's Market and we ended up buying a case. I still order it online and have it shipped to LA. It's that good.

A Few Of Our Favorites...








[Picture soon to come]


I'm still working on building this out, but here are a few of our favorite dinner recipes from the food blogosphere... The tasty dishes here should tie you over while I work on adding a few of my own bomb dinner eats.  


Sweet Potato Avocado Tacos - Love & Lemons

Spaghetti Squash Pasta with Vegan Pesto - Minimalist Baker

  • If really pressed for time, I'll sub Rao's for the vegan pesto.

Big Ass Greek Kale Salad (Just Nix the Feta) - Sprouted Kitchen


Loaded Sweet Potato (Just Use Plain Coconut Yogurt) - Refinery 29


  • This is also great with Engine 2 Firehouse Chili as the filling, which makes prep wildly easy.

Soba Noodles & Broccolini - A House In The Hills


Veggie Burger & Sweet Potato Fries - Sprouted Kitchen via Epicurious

  • We'll make 2x the recipe for this and freeze a bunch of the burgers. They reheat well, especially when you let them thaw in the 'frig 12-24 hours before putting in the oven to reheat.

Lentil "Meat" Balls + Cauliflower Mash - Faring Well

  • The lentil "meat" balls keep well in the 'frig. I'll reheat in the (dare I say...) microwave for 20-30 seconds along with some leftover sauce or Rao's. In fact, we'll typically use Rao's instead of making the sauce, though I'm sure the sauce is great. One less thing to think about.

Eggplant Lasagna Roll Ups - Minimalist Baker

Zucchini Pasta with Vegan Pesto - A House In The Hills


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Eating healthy / vegan requires planning ahead and having good food easily available. That means buying the right food at the supermarket. Below is a look at my typical shopping list to help you navigate the grocery store.

In addition to buying the right food, eating healthy also means getting rid of bad food from the house. Avoid temptation by tossing out or donating all the food you have that doesn't align with your dietary goals. This makes life SO MUCH easier.

Vegan Healthy Grocery List


Before diving in, I'll quickly address the Organic v. Conventional topic. Organic foods are always best, particularly when the food item is among those listed in the "Dirty Dozen" or is a food known to be GMO (corn, soy, squash, zucchini). That said, organic can be expensive. Go with conventional if you can't swing organic. While organic is better, you're better off eating a non-organic fruit or vegetable than to not eat it at all. Just make sure to do a good rinse on the fruit or vegetable before cooking or eating.

  • Fruit
    • Apples
    • Bananas
    • Blueberries
    • Raspberries
    • Strawberries
    • Dried fruit (dates, apricot; make sure it's just the fruit with no sugar added)
    • Frozen fruit (pineapple, strawberries, raspberries)
  • Vegetables
    • Avocado
    • Arugula
    • Carrots
    • Celery
    • Cherry tomatoes
    • Curly kale (if you have a Vitamix or Ninja blender)
    • Dinosaur kale
    • Peas (frozen)
    • Red onion
    • Spinach
    • Sprouts (arugula, kale, broccoli, etc.; all are awesome)
    • Sweet potatoes
  • Grains
    • Quinoa
    • Oatmeal (I like Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free Oats)
    • Soba noodles
  • Legumes
    • Black beans
    • Chickpeas
    • Hummus (Under 4g fat per 2oz serving; I like Engine 2 Traditional & Root's Original Oil-free)
  • Nuts & Seeds
    • Almonds (Raw)
    • Almond butter (No oil added, just raw or dry roasted almonds)
    • Chia seeds
    • Coconut butter
    • Coconut flakes
    • Flaxseed (Ground / flax meal)
    • Hemp seeds
    • Peanuts (Raw)
    • Pumpkin seeds (AKA pepitas; go with raw)
    • Walnuts (Raw)
  • Oils/Dressings/Seasonings
    • Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar
    • Braggs Liquid Aminos
    • Braggs Coconut Aminos
    • Coconut oil
    • Honey (Not technically vegan, but I eat it)
    • Olive oil
    • Pasta sauce (I'm a sucker for Rao's; love it)
    • Sriracha (I prefer Ninja Squirrel from Whole Foods)
  • Seasonings/Spices
    • Cinnamon
    • Cumin
    • Pepper (Grinder)
    • Sea Salt (Grinder)


  • Beets (Yellow or Red)
  • Broccoli (or Broccolini) 
  • Cauliflower
  • Delicata Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Yellow squash


  • Amy's Low Sodium Lentil Soup
  • Amy's Black Bean Vegetable Soup
  • Engine 2 Firehouse Chili
  • Made By Lukas Burgers (
    • These are freaking awesome. About as unprocessed as a veggie burger can be and taste fantastic. It's unlikely that you'll find in the supermarket unless you're in NYC. I order them online, typically 6-8 containers, and have them shipped to LA. I keep them in the freezer (last super long when frozen) and just put in the 'frig to thaw about 12-24 hours before I plan to cook.


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Must Have (VEGAN) Snacks for Healthy Eating

One of the keys to eating healthy is having good snacks on hand and in the house. Here's a list of my go-to healthy + vegan snacks...


WHY? It's awesome. Tastes great and is healthy. With the main ingredient being chickpeas, it's packed with protein, fiber, iron and other great nutrients. (More on that here if interested.)

Because of the fiber and protein, it helps me curb my appetite / stay full for longer. When I'm gearing up for a key race and want to get lean, I'll eat a decent portion of hummus and carrots about a half hour before dinner. I end up eating a good bit less than I would normally, but still get the nutrients I need to build muscle and stay strong.

WHICH? Go with whatever hummus you like. Just make sure there isn't too much oil added. Fat content should be no more than 4g per serving (2tbsp). I'm currently obsessed with the Roots No Oil hummus. It isn't cheap, so I mix it with the Engine 2 Traditional. (I eat A LOT of hummus...)

I'm mostly a hummus + carrots guy, though celery & bell peppers are also good vehicles for getting your hummus on.  


WHY? These two are transportable, require zero prep, and are packed with protein and good fats (nuts) along with fiber (dried fruit). (More deets here on nuts & dried fruit.) Oh, and they taste great especially together. Whether traveling, going into meetings, running errands, whatever, I always carry a plastic bag with nuts and dried fruit, or simply nuts.

I particularly like nuts because they're low in carbs. While I never count carbs, I recognize that my vegan diet can tilt towards "high carb". A great way to keep that in check without needing to count carbs is to get a good number of calories from fat. It might seen ironic, but I've found that when I increase my calories from fat - good fat from nuts & seeds that is - I'm able to slim down and carry less fat on my body.

If I really looking to get lean prior to a race, I'll eat dinner a couple hours prior to going to sleep

WHICH? I love raw almonds, peanuts and walnuts. I eat almonds and peanuts constantly. Mostly raw, but sometimes dry roasted with salt. I used to hold back, thinking Oh no, I better not since nuts are high in fat, but I've come to realize that when I indulge in nuts, I end up leaner. I think the same will be true for you.

Stick with raw unless you're working out hard and sweating a good bit. Then you've earned the addition of some dry roasted/salted to the mix. Just make sure they're DRY roasted. Just plain roasted means they've been roasted in oils that are typically pretty terrible for you. Also, Make sure the peanuts are organic and/or non-GMO, since many are GMO.

If mixing with dried fruit, walnuts + dried dates is my favorite combo. Almonds + dried apricots is pretty robust as well.


WHY? Healthy. Tasty. Easy. Almond butter is the bomb. I spread it on everything from bananas to celery and mix it into quinoa and smoothies. It's high in protein and healthy fat, plus helps curb hunger without carbs.

WHICH? Make sure to get the kind that's only almonds, no oil added. Best if it's raw, but dry roasted is fine. (Raw is usually pricey.)


WHY? Healthy. Tasty. Easy. You might be sensing a trend here... Avos have lots of super healthy fats, fiber and potassium. (More on that here.) Again, like nuts, I dig that avocados are high in fat and low in carbs. Helps balance things out, making sure that you're getting good fats and not relying too heavily on carbs.

WHICH? No need for organic avocados in my opinion. (I buy organic if I'm eating the outer layer of a fruit or veggie -- especially if part of the "Dirty Dozen".) Just go with one that's newly ripe, i.e. just a bit soft to the touch.


Two fairly obvious vegan snacks that I've skipped over are almond butter + toast and avocado + toast. Both of these are delicious and are insanely easy to prepare. (And a banana to the almond butter toast for supreme dankness. Similarly, add some variation of hummus, tomatoes, sprouts and sriracha to the avo + toast.) That said, I like to reserve these snacks as "In Case of Emergency" options. In fact, I flat out don't buy bread anymore. Too risky. I don't trust myself around it. (But seriously, I don't. If that shit were in the house when I return from a 5+ hour ride, it'd be over.) I'll eat it when at a restaurant, but when I prepare food for myself, I want the food to be as healthy as possible.   

When I transitioned from meat-lover to vegan, I used grains as a crutch. Mostly bread and cereal. While eating whole grain versions, even sprouted grain bread, I came to realize that this was not getting me closer to the goal of eating unprocessed, REAL food. Bread simply isn't the healthiest thing out there. It's obviously fine in moderation, but not good when eating daily. I've since replaced bread (and cereal) with quinoa; still a grain but much less processed/refined. Quinoa also has TONS of awesome nutrients including protein, fiber, magnesium, iron, zinc, folate, etc. (More on that here.)

If you're going to buy bread — it can be good to have on hand when first transitioning — I'd recommend either Food For Life's Ezekiel 4:9 Sprouted Bread (found in the freezer section) or Dave's Killer Bread.


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How to Eat Vegan: An Easy Guide for Athletes & Others Alike

So you want to try the vegan diet? It’s pretty win-win. Or win-win-win, a la Michael Scott. When done right, you’ll feel like a million bucks (probably look like it too), you won’t have to eat those cute pigs, cows, etc. you’ve been seeing all over Instagram, and you’ll help save the world (but seriously…). Win-win-win.

But it’s super hard, right? No way you can just stop eating meat, dairy, eggs. Well, if I can, you can. Nobody ate more meat than me. (Legit, my dad used to call my grocery cart the meat wagon.) And now, I’m done. It started as a month challenge, and now I’m going on three years sans meat, dairy, eggs. I've never felt better.

For the athlete reading this and wondering how being vegan might impact strength and muscle mass, I'd encourage you to check out guys like David Carter (former NFL lineman), Patrik Baboumian (vegan strongman) & Torre Washington (vegan bodybuilder). As far as the endurance goes, I’ve raced numerous Ironmans, including the World Champs in Kona, and have managed huge training loads such as 40+ hours a week of swim/bike/run at Epic Camp, all while on a vegan diet. Instead of inhibiting such training and racing, I believe that it has allowed it. My energy levels are off the chain, my recovery is better than it’s ever been, and it’s now easier to maintain muscle while shedding body fat.  


I first tried to transition to a vegan diet back in 2012. After just a couple of weeks, I gave up. It was too hard. I didn’t know what meals to make, I struggled to navigate menus when eating out, I was hungry all the time, and in the end I wasn’t even eating a healthy diet.

After nearly a year of continuing to eat meat, dairy, eggs, etc., I gave the vegan diet another go. (Inspired by Rich Roll's Finding Ultra. Give this a read if you haven't already. It's awesome.) This time I was prepared. I’ve now been mostly vegan for over three years. (I say mostly because I continue to eat honey and will eat fish a couple times a year.)



Focus on the Short-Term: Don’t Think About the Month, Instead Think of Today & Tomorrow

  • Just focus on eating vegan today and tomorrow. The first three weeks are tough. You’ll have cravings for meat, cheese and whatever else. There will be social pressure to just order the steak or split the pizza, and it’ll sound delicious. Put your energy towards just getting through one day at a time. Don't give in!! It gets A LOT easier.
  • If you stick with the vegan diet, your stomach’s ecology (gut microbiome) will start to shift. In a matter of weeks, you’ll start to crave the veggie dishes you're enjoying. It’s pretty wild. I used to LOVE hamburgers. I honestly have zero desire for them now — in fact, they totally gross me out. Four years ago I’d have kicked my own ass for uttering such nonsense, but what can I say, it’s true.
  • Many who ask me about being vegan say something like, Oh wow, that must take such discipline. The truth is that it doesn't once you hit a tipping point. It really only takes a month or so of discipline and then everything gets much easier. In fact, it's easier to eat a healthy diet than before. When you can cross meat and dairy off the menu, your options are typically way more healthy. That means you don't have to be nearly as disciplined. (I don't eat dairy, so I'm no longer tempted by ice cream for example. The list goes on and on.)

Build a Routine: Find 5-10 Meals You Really Like, and Rotate Through Them  

  • I’m a big fan of routine. I have pretty much the same breakfast and lunch everyday. Seriously. And I’m freaking PUMPED to eat these two meals.
    • Again, your cravings shift based on what you eat. Remember in Super Size Me, how he hates the McDonald’s at first, but then starts to love it and need it? That’s the gut microbiome shifting. You crave what you eat and eat what you crave. Once you take the 3-4 weeks to create the right gut microbiome, you’re set.
  • I’ll mix up my breakfast and lunch every so often, but for the most part I’m eating the same thing during the day with dinner being different. For dinner, Marla and I have a handful of meals we really like to make + restaurants we like to hit up.
  • While you don’t really have to eat the same thing over and over, I think this idea of keeping it simple is important. Once you get into a routine of eating a few go-to healthy meals, it’s really easy to maintain and it takes much of the effort out of it.
  • My guess is that you’re already eating very similar meals from one week to the next. It’s just a matter of finding tasty vegan meals that you dig and find easy to make (or order if you’re not down with cooking). Keep eating these healthy meals while avoiding meat/dairy/etc., and your gut biome will shift in the right direction.

Plan Ahead: Cook in Advance & Have Snacks On Hand

  • Make your meals for tomorrow today.
  • Every few days, I make a huge pot of quinoa, I rinse off some canned black beans and chickpeas and put them in mason jars, and I bake a few sweet potatoes. With all this in the 'frig at the ready, I'm able to whip meals together in 5-10 minutes.
  • If you’re no into doing any cooking (to my s’head NYC friends out there who’ve actually read this far… making quinoa, rinsing beans/chickpeas, and baking sweet potatoes hardly qualifies as cooking), just make sure to have some snacks on hand.
  • Here’s a rundown on my go-to snacks: Must Have Snacks for Healthy Eating

Eat Real Food: Try to Avoid the Fake Meat Products

  • It’s easy to try to eat the same meals you used to but instead use stuff like Boca Burger, Tofurkey or Gardein crispy tenders. Try to steer clear of these meat replacements.
  • I fell into the trap of eating this stuff when I first gave the whole vegan diet a whirl and I felt like shit after eating it.
  • The reason you feel so much better on the vegan diet is because you’re system isn’t bogged down with acidic and hard-to-digest meat and is instead being properly fueled by nutrient-dense vegetables, fruits, legumes, etc. If you’re avoiding meat but filling the void with processed foods, you’re not going to be feeling much better.   

Don’t Stress the Details: If You’re Eating a Blend of Fruits & Vegetables, You’re Getting Plenty of Protein, etc.

  • Don’t worry about protein, carbs, fat content, etc. This is where so many people go wrong with eating. Counting these things is just a pain in the ass/ total waste of time and serves no real purpose. Just eat real food (not packaged or processed) based on what you’re hungry for and you’ll be great.  
  • People always ask, “But where do you get your protein?” Well, for starters, plant-based foods have lots of protein. Beans, chickpeas, lentils, nuts, even greens like spinach are all great sources of protein.
  • You also don’t need nearly as much protein as you think. I do all my training — both endurance and strength training — with zero protein supplementation. I eat (lots of) black beans, chickpeas (mostly through hummus), and nuts most days and that does the trick. I also have no idea how much protein I’m taking in on a given day. I instead try to pay attention to what my body wants, and I then I eat it.

Have Fun: You’re Doing Something New, Enjoy It  

  • Even for the culinary inept, cooking should be fun. You’re creating something, and in the end, you get it eat. Not bad, right?
  • I like the challenge aspect for this reason too. Prove it to yourself and whoever else that you can eat vegan for a month. Or two months. Or for as long as you freaking want.
  • Laugh it off when people give you shit for eating vegan. Trust me, you'll catch some grief. Especially if you're a guy. Be comfortable with it. It's your body, your health. Don't let others dictate how you live your life.
    • I tend to be quiet about eating the way I do since I don't want to come across as preachy. If people ask, I'll share. When I was first giving the diet a go, I didn't want to say I'm Vegan to others or waiters since I was only a week or two in. Instead, I'd just say Hey I'm on this new health kick. I'm just going to order a couple of salads and a side of the veggies. People were cool with it. I told them that I felt great and was going to keep rolling with it.

Don’t Quit: Progress, Not Perfection

  • I don’t like saying I’m vegan because it’s such a constraining term. I eat what I like to eat, and don’t feel bound to any diet dogma. While it rarely occurs these days (I’ve become quite skilled at navigating menus), if I’m out to eat and the healthiest thing on a menu is fish, I’ll order the fish. I’m typically a pretty all-or-nothing type of guy, but I don’t sweat it if I veer off course ever so slightly on occasion.
  • Don’t abandon the goal of eating vegan because of one slip up. It’s an evolution. The more you eat the plant-based foods, the more you’ll crave them. And, the less you eat meat, the less you’ll crave it.


All in above linked post.


More on this soon too... again, a couple days.


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